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Camden's Blog

Exporting 3D Model From Blender to SceneKit

/ 1 min read


  1. Select the object you want to export in Blender.
  2. Go to File > Export > glTF 2.0 (.glb/gltf).
  3. Under Include make sure to check Limit to > Selected Objects and then click Export glTF 2.0.
  4. Open Reality Converter, go to File > Import and find the file you just exported from Blender.
  5. Once it’s done importing go to File > Export and export it to a USDZ file by clicking Export.
  6. Open up your project in Xcode.
  7. Import the USDZ file by dragging and dropping it into your project or going to File > Add Files to….
  8. Select the file and click the Export to SceneKit button in the top right to save the new file. You now have a SceneKit compatible model that you can use in your project.


If you find something that needs to be corrected or want to leave some feedback email me at [email protected].